Well done Tristan. You worked really hard on your recipe.
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Thursday, 13 November 2014
Writing Instructions
I remembered all the ingredients and put the steps in the right order. I felt proud that I wrote some good instructions.

Well done Tristan. You worked really hard on your recipe.
Well done Tristan. You worked really hard on your recipe.
Monday, 22 September 2014
Friday, 29 August 2014
Maori language week Koru art
Room 27 saw on the TV
the haka crew. They did the haka but we did the senior Maori language as well.
It was really good for our muscles because Mrs Strachan told me, also Mrs
Ashmore as well. The group of senior did really well because they were like the
real haka crew.
Thursday, 3 July 2014
Wednesday, 2 July 2014
Monday, 2 June 2014
We are learning to find contractions in our stories. We know that contraction are two words that are squashed together. I can find contractions easily because they have an apostrophe in them.
I am good at contractions because if I said didn’t and I took it apart it will be did not. Sometimes contractions can be tricky because sometimes it is difficult to know where the apostrophe goes. My next steps I want to get good at reading by finding the problem and solution in my story and find out who the characters are.
We are learning about fractions. We know that one quarter is when we cut something into four pieces. We also learnt about halves which means we cut something two pieces. Fractions are ½ ¼ and ⅓. With fraction you start with one whole and you cut it into pieces.
I am good at fractions because if I eat a fish all by myself it is not fair for my brother so I need to cut it in half which means I will cut it in two pieces that are the same size.
Compound sentences
We are learning to write compound sentences. We know that a compound sentence is two sentences that we put together with ‘and’ ‘but’ or ‘because. It can be tricky to make sure we join two sentences together and not just another word to a sentence.
I like writing compound sentences because I write longer more interesting sentences. My next step is to add more describing words into my stories.
Monday, 14 April 2014
Sunday, 13 April 2014
Skip counting in 2's
I like maths because it really fun to skip count in two's. I am really good at counting in 2's but it is a tricky to count backwards in 2's. I will go home and practise skip counting backwards so I get better.
Sunday, 16 March 2014
Base words and word endings
I like reading because there is lots of words in the books that I read and in the library books. It is easy to find root words and word endings in my books. My next step is to learn to find contractions.
Tuesday, 11 March 2014
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